Hello! It is currently Friday! But there is something more magical about this Friday, I am going to Bali! I am going to a five star resort called Grand Mirage! (How majestic does that name sound) Anyways I am very exited and I also got some very Bali-ish clothes? But yeah they look amazing and my grandma is taking me and my grandad, he is so paranoid about getting sick but somehow he is always the one getting sick.(I’m actually starting to feel bad for him). The plan is that I’m going to sleep over at their house and have fish and chips for dinner, then we have to wake up early to go to the air port! When we get to the resort were just going to get changed and go out to eat, by the way all the food, drinks and that are free. There is also a kids club but like…I probably wont go there, but there is a LOT of pools and water slides so I will be definitely be going there. Anyways, that’s as much as I can think of now, Bye! Oh and I’m also going for a week! And when I come back it will be the school holidays so hooray.
Story Starters!…Again
Hello! So as of today we have been told that we are going to the lab to write story starters on our blogs, personally I would rather to finish drawing than to do typing but its not like I have a choice. And I just now checked that I had actually written story starters down, so on we go!
Suffer- I am now suffering in my seat. The two loud noisy chatty annoying girls GGGing (giggling, gossiping, glossing). I got that one from a book I read. ‘How annoying.’ I thought. I missed my old seat, the people on my table…
Fought- I fought the urge to throw my pencil across the classroom. I had been writing for hours, my hand sore and red. I cant believe my teacher did this! I’ll never forgive them.
Would you believe these are based on true stories!? Anyways, that’s it for now, Bye!
Horrible Holidays!
Hi! Haven’t posted in a while, just been really busy lately! But this post is about my holidays. Right so on my holidays I got sick and did nothing except breathe, blink and push my cat off the couch, so yeah! That was the best holiday of my life! Don’t worry I’m mostly okay just a cough now but I got so sick to the point I couldn’t move, so yeah. I also dyed my hair red again! (Once at Christmas and again on the 19th of July.) So on my holidays I did actually get up to some stuff. On the fist weekend of my holidays I went to an AFL game! I went with my mother and Aunt; my second cousin was going to come, but she was busy so we had an extra seat… That was taken by a complete rando! I won’t get into details but of course it was just my luck that the stranger was a boy about my age. Super loud, annoying, loud, unaware that he was smacking my head with wooden poles every time he held up his flag, loud, and spilled his hot chips all over my Converse! One: What a complete waste of chips. Two: My poor shoes! Mind you they were my platform Converses, which were expensive! But over all I had a good time, a little loud, my back hurt and not to mention it was such a long walk back! And its not like my platform shoes were helping! But it was just so long! And it was freezing, it was just a long swerving path way that I had to walk! I just wanted to get home! (Oh yeah and our team lost.) But that was the least of my concern when I had to walk through the cold, but enough about that. I also went to the Zoo with my little brother, Mum and grandparents! Not fun at all! Had to walk for hours! I was soo tired and at some point I had to put a backpack leash thing on my brother and hold the leash like he was a dog, embarrassing! Oh and guess what! The lions where actually out for once in everyone’s lives! The only lion (probably not the only lion there) was at the front of the window! Literally watching us! (not sure if he was hungry..)…moving on…He was so pretty! He had bit cat like (I’m not dumb I know they are cats) golden eyes! And then there were two lionesses basking in the sun! They were on this high rock this? I don’t know. We also saw and heard the hyenas, painted dogs and the lemurs were literally meditating!!!! One had its legs crossed and his finger in the..um circle shape? Whatever! Oh I got to go soon so I’ll make this quick! WE went to the sun bear enclosure and the sun bear was literally running around the enclose! Which is both sad and cool, but anyway were leaving so bye!!
Story Starters
Hello! Been a while, haven’t posted much this year but trying to keep up! Today we had spelling to do. Straight in the morning (just my luck), after years of writing I then had to do the activities that took even longer! But one that I’ve always enjoyed is story starters; I have a very…Imaginative brain (yes I’m one of those peeps that plan a conversation in their head), so Mr. Hope is making us write down our story starters, so on we go!
Jungle- The way the wind whipped at Numara’s face, slicing through her already thin skin, caked with dirt and moss from falling over. She ran across the grounds, not even bothering to look where she was stepping. She gasped as she finally came to a stop, hands on her knees, as her eyes darted at her surroundings; a small river, barely the width of her thumb. Still it was good enough for her and she took a handful and swallowed it gratefully, again whispering to herself that when she got out she would run away and never look back ‘This jungle was…never ending’
Genie- “What would you do if you found a genie and got three wishes!” Squealed a girl I hadn’t seen before. I decided to speak up and say, ” I would wish for eternal happiness.” I looked down, hoping they hadn’t heard me. “Really?” I looked up expecting some sort of insult. “That’s so boring!” They said all together, just as I suspected. ” Yeah I know, just a joke!” I smiled and laughed. My chest got tighter every day, like I might explode all over their pretty little faces. That day felt closer than ever right now. I cant imagine how they would act if they knew. My friends. I was in the middle of thinking where I was going and what to do after school ended but got interrupted by the bell, switching back to the immediate thought of all the names I would be called if I told them. “Lame.” “Dramatic” I scoffed at the thought.
Anyways, that’s it!! Thanks for reading
On Monday the 6th of May was our school cross country! I happened to not run (for obvious reasons) I naturally am good at running but i think if I ran that much I would die on the spot. I’m pretty sure it was more than 800 meters!! Now I HAVE ran 800m but I wanted to hurl once I finished. But how ever my friends did race! And it was so much fun cheering on my friend including Tahlee, Jazmin and Sasha! Actually, Jazmin came second in the year five girls race! I’m so happy for her! Tahlee came sixth in the race, and Sasha had a goal and stuck to it, and guess what! She achieved her goal! I’m very proud but Aarna and Tahlia did not race ( Eye roll) I bet they would have hated it but Aarna is such a good runner and Tahlia is getting so good! But I’m still happy for all of them! Oh! And the year fives and year sixes got to mark out the course for the little ones. But anyways, Byee!!
Hello!! So last night I writing and when I showed Mr. Hope my greatness he was astonished so I’m pretty special! Anyway Mr. Hope wanted me to do a blog post about it so here it is!
If spring was a person she would be a girl with long ginger hair and amber eyes. She would smell like wet moss and the cold earth. Spring would spend the day sitting down with her eyes shut and holding an amber amulet to her chest. She would spend the night sitting trees watching the birds rest.
Anyway that’s my poem!! Hope you like it, but anyway..Byee!!
School Is Back!
Helloo! So..school is back, no more sleeping in! One thing you should know is…..sleeping in is an important part of the day! And it’s not like I don’t still sleep in but I cant sleep as much as I usually do! But anyway it’s term 2! So I’m two term closer to the end of the year…I’m not ready. So I really did not do much on my holidays but I did go to a farm! That was the high light of my holiday, but! It’s not just any farm, it’s a farm that lets you hold animals!!! I got to hold and feed Guinea pig!!! It was adorable I also got to feed mini lambs!! But one of them got angry and decided to knock over all of the children…..but my little brother came and he was screaming the whole time. But I also went to gold class at the movies! It was to see the new Kung Foo Panda! It was actually really funny, but most of the time I watched shows and played Roblox hehe…But anyway that mostly all I did so…Byee!!
Welcome Back!
Hello! Its been a long time since I’ve posted but were finally starting to get the hang of things again! And another addition is that were are now a split class! So now, yes I’m a year six but I also have year fives in my class, there meh but they also have blogs to see! So Mr hope has been putting me and Sasha as the helpers in the class! I’m also really upset that I’m leaving the school this year!! Its so sad but I will definitely keep posting, and as I’m writing this on the keyboard, the keyboard is actually really dusty… I can see all of the dust and dirt..! Anyway its almost the end of term one! well actually its one day till the end of term one…Haha, as I’m doing this my friend are all giggling about something! Anyway my friends are starting to distract me and I really cant think of anything else so I guess,..Byee!! Oh ps. Tahlia and Aarna are doing great!
Brushes Redux Instruction
Hello again! So if you didn’t know, last year I did about one thousand brushes paintings! And all of those were made on brushes redux, so today I’m going to teach you how to use brushes redux!
1. Use an I pad and have someone take a photo of you, go onto brushes and the plus on the top left corner and use the second last canvas.
2. Then press the back round picture in the top left corner and import your picture.
3. Then you can move the shape and size until your happy, and once your done click the tick in the top right corner.
4. Then click the boxes on the bottom left and move the blank layer to the top then click on it, you’ll be able to tell that your on the layer when it turns blue.
5. Click on the brush symbol around the bottom right corner and scroll down to the last brush.
6. Click the “Edit” at the top of the box and chose the circle option, and put intensity and sensation to 100 and leave the rest at 0.
7. Then out line your face and any details that you want to add.
And that is how you use brushes! I hope you know how to do this know and i hope that you make lots of fun drawing’s! But anyway, Byee!!
Privacy And Safety Notice
Hello again! So yes, I’m back in Mr. Hopes class! So, this post is about privacy and the rules on the internet. Copyright: If you were to start a blog you have to look out for copyright, copyright is not something that is funny or good to do you could get sued, get a letter from a lawyer and multiple others, it’s also offensive to the person who owns the photo. Another very very important thing is online bullying, bullying doesn’t make you cool anyway possible it is just rude and offensive and shows that you have no respect and very immature! Another big one is starting a blog! Blogs are fun to do but there are lots of things to look out for like privacy. Never share your location to strangers on here and hide your schools identity, it’s also very important that class LA14 blocks out out school logo, some disgusting people could search up your school and either leak it or from the fact that we share our names and use photos so that you can see what we look like, people could say “ Hi Delta your mum sent me to pick you up!” Never trust someone you don’t know and especially if you share these things. Again another very big one-this is probably one of the biggest thing, NEVER EVER share your passwords! A kid in Mr hopes class was a YouTuber and had about five years worth of videos, when he was filming he accidentally forgot his password and the little hint it gives you came up and it said “ Hint: best friend” one of the people watching knew who his best friend was and hacked into his account, deleting all of his videos he ever made! This is very dangerous and it is your responsibility to be safe and keep your secrets safe! I hope you all stay safe, Bye!!